Juneteenth Now an Official Holiday

June 18, 2021
Yesterday, President Biden signed a bill recognizing Juneteenth as an official federal holiday to commemorate the end of slavery. Following President Biden's announcement, UC President Drake announced that Juneteenth will be celebrated as an official UC holiday.  "As we approach June 19, I invite you to join me in reflecting on our nation’s history, the horrors of centuries of bondage, and the difficult road from liberation to equality. Let us resolve to build a future representing and lifted up by our ideals, our values, and our best selves," wrote President Drake.
Please note that this year Juneteeth will be celebrated on June 28th by the University of California. In observation of this holiday, we invite you to recommendations from five University experts found in Berkeley's Library collections and these additional resources:  

Anti-Racism at Work

We hope you are able to take some time to honor Juneteenth by learning more about how to support anti-racism in our campus community and beyond.