Office History

Staff Ombuds Office Directors

Upon the recommendation of the Chancellor's Staff Advisory Committee (CSAC), Chancellor Ira Michael Heyman established the Staff Ombuds Office in the summer of 1984. In September of that same year, the Staff Ombuds Office opened its doors and has been serving UC Berkeley staff ever since. Following are the directors of the office:

  • Pete Small 1984 – 1989
  • Michele Woods Jones 1989 – 1991
  • Anita Madrid & Ella Wheaton 1991 – 1995 (co-directors)
  • Ella Wheaton 1995 – 2000
  • Anita Madrid 2000 – 2001
  • Margo Wesley 2001 – 2009
  • Sara Thacker 2009 – 2024
  • Tera Bisbee, Ralph Johnson, and Jen Sims 2024 – Present