In this section you will find information about other potentially helpful resources on campus and their contact information. Included in this list are many campus services that are common referrals from our office.
Academic Personnel Office(link is external)
The Academic Personnel Office provides comprehensive information and materials related to academic personnel needs of faculty and non-senate academics at UC Berkeley. 510-642-5626
Audit & Advisory Services(link is external)
Audit and Advisory Services is responsible for independent appraisal activity within the University for the review of accounting, financial and operating systems as a service to management. 510-642-8292
Be Well at Work(link is external)- University Health Services for Faculty/Staff
- Employee Assistance (link is external)(Previously known as CARE Services) provides no cost confidential counseling and referral for UC Berkeley faculty and staff as well as Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory employees. To make an appointment, call 510-643-7754
- Disability Management Services(link is external) (DMS) administers the Workers' Compensation program and facilitates return-to-work initiatives and reasonable accommodation for employees who have, or who may develop health problems (work-related or non work-related) affecting employment. 510-643-7921
- Ergonomics Program(link is external) promotes healthy campus work environments through workshops, consultations, and coordination of the campus network of departmental computer workstation ergonomic evaluators. Email sends e-mail)
Disability Access & Compliance(link is external)
Disability Access & Compliance supports a university environment accessible to all people, regardless of their relative level of ability. Request accommodations online(link is external), or email sends e-mail), or call 510-643-6456
People & Culture(link is external) (Formerly Central Human Resources)
People & Culture has comprehensive information and materials about Human Resources at UC Berkeley. 510-642-7053
- Berkeley Regional Services (BRS)(link is external) is comprised of six service regions that provide local high-quality administrative support to their groupings of schools, colleges, and departments. 510-664-9000
- Compensation & Benefits(link is external) information about UCB’s comprehensive health, welfare, pension and retirement savings plan. 510-642-7053
- Grow (link is external)is UC Berkeley’s hub for career, skill, and community growth opportunities. Email sends e-mail)
- Labor Relations(link is external) deals with union contracts, bargaining agreements, labor law posters, and more.510-642-7053
- Policy(link is external) information, such as details about Affirmative Action & EEO, FMLA, layoffs, and other matters.
- Talent Acquisition Manager (TAM)(link is external)-system information.
- Performance Management(link is external) tools, tips, and organizational effectiveness resources.
Office of Ethics, Risk and Compliance Services(link is external)
- Risk Services(link is external) works with campus units to identify, assess, and communicate to management the campus-wide (or “enterprise”) strategic, compliance, financial, and operational risks that make up UC Berkeley’s risk portfolio. 510-642-5141
- Office of Investigation/UC Whistleblower(link is external): If you suspect that a UC employee is engaged in improper governmental activities, you should know that UC has policies that can show you how to "blow the whistle" and protect you from retaliation, if the need arises. Make a report online (link is external)or call the UC-wide whistleblower hotline: (800) 403-4744
- Office for the Prevention of Harassment and Discrimination (OPHD)(link is external) is responsible for ensuring the University provides an environment for faculty, staff, and students that is free from discrimination, harassment, and sexual violence. OPHD takes reports alleging discrimination and harassment on the basis of categories including race, color, national origin, gender, age, sexual orientation/identity, including allegations of sexual harassment and sexual violence. Report an incident by email to sends e-mail) or call 510-643-3578
Other Ombuds Offices
- Faculty Ombudsperson(link is external) is the confidential, informal, impartial alternative for the resolution of work-related problems and conflicts for Academic Senate members and staff members in the academic series. 510-642-8788
- Ombuds Office for Students & Postdoctoral Appointees(link is external) provides an informal dispute resolution process in which the Ombudsperson advocates for fairness, justice, respect for differences, and reasonable solutions to student and postdoctoral issues and concerns. 510-642-5754