All News
January 5, 2023
November 21, 2022
Steve Johnston, the Policy, Complaint and Special Project Manager in the office of Disability Access and Compliance (DAC) will be holding bi-weekly drop-in sessions every other Thursday from 3-4 pm.
Ask Steve any questions you have about Disability Compliance at UC Berkeley, find resources, raise any issues you might have in an informal setting, or just chat about any disability related subject. These sessions are open to all students and faculty but are only accessible from a UC Berkeley Zoom account
November 4, 2022
*New Policy* Service Dogs and Emotional Support Animal
As UC Berkeley staff, faculty, and students return to campus, there is a new policy in place for service dogs and emotional support animals. This section addresses familiarity with the University’s established policy on service and support animals on campus.
October 28, 2022
Following a nationwide search, Shatika Ricketts was appointed as the Assistant Ombudsperson for the Berkeley Staff Ombuds Office. As the Assistant Ombudsperson, Shatika serves as a confidential point of contact for employees who need assistance in answering questions about ombuds services, conducting intake, providing conflict coaching, making referrals, and scheduling appointments.
June 27, 2022
Curious about a service that helps employees engage in conflict that creates belonging?
Mediation is one of the services the Staff Ombuds Office offers that helps foster inclusion and advance collaboration with one another.
Watch this video to learn about:
● The Mediation Process
● The Role of the Ombuds Mediator
● Your Role in the Process
● What Mediation Is and What It Isn’t
Mediation might be right for you if:
March 24, 2022
The International Ombudsman Association (IOA) has decided that it’s time for a name change. After years of discussions, IOA members recently voted to become the International Ombuds Association, recognizing the need for a more inclusive name by dropping “man” from the end of the title. The UC Berkeley Staff Ombuds Office has used gender inclusive language since its creation in 1984.
October 27, 2021
October 26, 2021
Since the release of the 2018-2020 Biennial Report, the Staff Ombuds Office has presented systemic recommendations to advance workplace equity and inclusion and gather input from nine campus groups, including:
July 2, 2021
June 18, 2021
June 16, 2021
New guidance from People & Culture regarding Flexible Work Arrangements.
March 22, 2021
This year on Equal Pay Day we recognize the massive amount of work that still needs to be done to ensure Equal Pay for all. Disparities in pay disproportionately impact women and people of color. Research shows that for every dollar paid to a white man, employed full-time year-round:
November 17, 2020
Message from the University of California Office of the President on gender identity and name options for UC documents and information systems.
October 8, 2020
August 31, 2020
"New research by two UC Berkeley experts tracked disagreeable people — those with selfish, combative, manipulative personalities — from college or graduate school to where they landed in their careers and found that being a “jerk” didn’t get them ahead" (via
May 28, 2020
While working remotely, Berkeley employees face a number of challenges. The Staff Ombuds Office continues to serve staff to find problem-solving strategies during these unprecedented times. In the month of March, the Staff Ombuds Office had 55 confidential appointments and continues to provide ombuds services by phone to support staff.
Following are some helpful links to Berkeley websites that provide information to address work-related challenges:
Staff Basic Needs
January 2, 2020
Cal Coaching Network (CCN) is a new campus staff organization. Last month, it held its kickoff event “Building UC Berkeley’s Coaching Culture.” Over 75 staff members came together to brainstorm ideas for future meetings, discuss the importance of building a coaching culture, and meet others interested in coaching.
The Mission of CCN is:
To bring together managers and staff who have an interest in developing their coaching skills to support one another.
October 18, 2019
From the UC Berkeley Central HR Website:
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